Update Profile

The Update Profile application is used by the supplier’s Profile Manager to maintain all company information such as addresses, payment data, users & contacts, and Vendor Statement of Business & Legal Relationships (VSBL) information.





In This Topic

Vendor List

The Vendor List displays all address entities for the vendor and details for each entity.


  1. The left side displays all address entities for the vendor in a hierarchical manner. The first entity listed is the main Vendor. Following the main vendor may be Invoicing Parties and Ordering Addresses. A summary of information is displayed for you to identify the item you are updating. This includes the name, type, vendor number, and address. Click on an item to show its details on the right side pane.
  2. Information is separated into tabs. Depending on the type of entity selected and your relationship with UP, different tabs may display.  The tabs that may display are General Info, Tax and Banking, Contacts, VSBL, and Attachments. See Vendor Details for more information.
  3. Click Update to save your changes.

Vendor Details

The Vendor Details shows details such as address, contacts, and payment information for a supplier.  Click on a tab to display and update the information pertaining to that subject.

General Information

General Information includes address, phone number, fax number, and email address. The Email is used to receive ACH remittance details related to a payment.


    1. For a Vendor entity, click Add a Remit To Address to add a new address or bank account to remit payment to. The following screen displays. Once added, the address appears as an Invoicing Party in the list on the left side.


Tax and Banking

Tax and Banking includes tax classification and ACH information.


    1. Tax information cannot be updated in this application. If you need to change your Tax ID, you need to re-register with Union Pacific under the new Tax ID. Click Tax ID change?  Click Here to open the Supplier Registration form.

    2. Click Attach ACH authorization form to select and attach the document.


Contacts include all supplier employees that have access to UP SourceHub (Users) or that are significant for communication (Contacts).  For more information, see Roles and Responsibilities.


    1. Manage the list of Users/Contacts.

        1. Click + Add Roles to open a pop-up to select the appropriate roles for the employee. Roles give the employee access to UP SourceHub.

        2. Click + Add Contacts to open a pop-up to select the appropriate contact types for the employee. Contact types do not give the employee access to UP SourceHub, but may be used for specific communications.

        3. Click Add to create the user with the selected Roles/Contact types. If a Role is selected, the user is issued a Union Pacific userid and password to login to UP SourceHub. An email is sent to the user informing them of their user ID and next action to take.

    1. Union Pacific’s assigned User ID for the employee. It takes a few moments for a new employee’s user ID to generate.

    2. Click a row to update an employee’s personal information, roles, and contact types.


VSBL includes W8/W9 information, Business & Relationship Questions, types of service your company provides, geographic areas your company serves, top customers, and subcontractors. This information must be verified and updated annually. Additional help and directions are provided on the form itself.



Displays Attachments that Union Pacific has filed, such as W8/W9, ACH, and CA 590 forms.